In this video Steph will discuss the diagnosis of spinal stenosis.
This is a diagnosis many individuals may have been told they have without any idea of what that means and what they can do about it.
This is not a “too bad” diagnosis. There are things you can do to reduce your pain and improve your function!
Steph will give a little background on this diagnosis, ideas of ways to modify your activity for reduced pain and even have your try out exercises that could really make a difference in your life!
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Up Next in 2020
In this video Steph will discuss the diagnosis of the ever popular sciatica.
This is a diagnosis that can be over utilized and many people incorrectly think they have it. The diagnosis of sciatica actually refers to a very specific nerve and very specific symptoms. Steph will review what this l...
Neck Pain/Headache
In this video Steph will be discussing the complex problem of neck pain and headaches.
There are many reasons as to why someone may be experiencing pain, in this video rather than focusing on what those could all be Steph will give you some ideas of what you can do regardless of the cause.
Shoulder Pain
In this video Steph will be discussing the complex problem of shoulder pain.
There are many reasons as to why someone may be experiencing pain, in this video rather than focusing on what those could all be she will give you some ideas of what you can do regardless of the cause.
Steph will pro...