Hey Fighters!
We did our boxing combos with steps/agility mixed in today! Our core work focused on being able to breath while strengthening...what a concept!
Remember to watch the introduction video prior to this class if you do not have experience with boxing to familiarize yourself with the names and forms of the punches. This class will include all the different forms of punches we will use in the subsequent videos with new agility exercises to bring some variety.
Our boxing classes won't include any special equipment, so don't worry if you don't have gloves or bags at home!
Steph and Claire are certified in Rock Steady Boxing and we will be using that format for our classes. We start with a warm up, then we will do the high intensity portion which is a mixture of boxing combinations mixed in with agility work, then we will focus on core strength and finally complete a cool down!
Boxing is a little different than our other classes, in that we won't be mirroring you for the most part. For boxing, your stance is based on which is your dominant side. Your stance is with non-dominant side forward and certain punches are done more with your dominant/non-dominant side, some punches are done with both arms. Steph with be demonstrating with her non-dominant side forward, and for many of you who are right handed, you won't be mirroring her, but you will do what she does!
Remember, safety first! Modify activities as needed! Use support for anything in standing as needed, use the chair to get up and down from the ground, take your time and skip or modify activities if you need it!
Equipment needed:
-Sturdy Chair
-Yoga Mat!
-Hand Towel
-Light Hand Weights (1-3lbs) or something similar from around the house!
-Water bottle!
-A great attitude
-Hard work ;)
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Up Next in August - September 2020
9-8-20 Boxing
Hey Fighters!
We are working on different combos and high intensity exercises today! Such a great workout!! Enjoy!!
Remember to watch the introduction video prior to this class if you do not have experience with boxing to familiarize yourself with the names and forms of the punches. This class ...
9-11-20 Boxing
Hey Fighters!
Today we will be returning to some of our defense moves. Boxing is not just about the punches we land but our ability to move our bodies. We will be twisting, reaching, ducking and slipping our way through today’s class.
Remember to watch the introduction video prior to this clas...
9-15-20 Boxing
Hey Fighters!
We are working on different combos and high intensity exercises today! Such a great workout!! Enjoy!!
Remember to watch the introduction video prior to this class if you do not have experience with boxing to familiarize yourself with the names and forms of the punches. This class ...