This video is an introduction to the anti-freeze series.
Freezing of Gait is a symptom that some people with Parkinson's experience. It’s often described as feeling like your feet are ‘glued to the floor’ when trying to take your first step or turn. The videos in this anti-freeze section will help you to avoid and improve freezing of gait.
For the action observation videos, we recommend to first watch the videos to rehearse the movement in your mind and then actually practice the movements along with Steph. These videos are meant to help you practice good quality movements to specifically target freezing of gait.
The PWR! Moves in Sitting, Standing, and the Floor videos include short routines of whole-body movements done slowly and deliberately to promote completion of movement which should help you avoid and improve freezing of gait. We recommend you do these videos every day if you have freezing of gait so that you can get a lot of repetitions of movements designed to target freezing episodes.
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Up Next in Anti-Freeze Part 1
Anti-Freeze Action Observation Video ...
This video is an introduction to the action observation videos.
For these action observation videos, we recommend to first watch the videos to rehearse the movement in your mind and then actually practice the movements along with Steph. These videos are meant to help you practice good quality mo...
Anti-Freeze Weight Shifting
For these action observation videos, we recommend to first watch the videos to rehearse the movement in your mind and then actually practice the movements along with Steph. These videos are meant to help you practice good quality movements to specifically target freezing of gait.
By using this v...
Anti-Freeze Stepping
For these action observation videos, we recommend to first watch the videos to rehearse the movement in your mind and then actually practice the movements along with Steph. These videos are meant to help you practice good quality movements to specifically target freezing of gait.
By using this v...