Our Educational Meeting in November was the 1st in a 3 part series about medication optimization!
Click here for the webpage with the resources discussed in the meeting: https://www.roguept.com/medication-optimization
Up Next in 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Individual Therapies that are Benefic...
Our October Educational Meeting discussed the most common rehabilitation therapies that people with Parkinson's can benefit from. Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy.
To find a therapist in your area click this link: https://www.roguept.com/how-to-find-a-therapist
Using Tech to Measure, Monitor and In...
Our September meeting is all about using technology for good!
Your activity levels and exercise intensity are 2 key metrics that are good to measure so you can optimize them if needed!
We want to know how active we are (with steps) on a daily basis and we want to know if we are getting ourselve...
Reducing Our Risk of Falls! August Ed...
Falls can happen to anyone, but are more common in people who have Parkinson's. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of falls and improve your balance!
For more information and to see the slides click here: https://www.roguept.com/falls